Dua is a form of prayer and it could be done anytime where there is no fixed time and place to do Dua. It is considered a weapon by which we can change our situation by asking the help of Almighty Allah. Dua can change destiny so try Dua in all situations because with Dua, you will always get closer to Almighty Allah. He has maintained the belief in one Lord and rejects all forms of idolatry. Dua is essentially a submission to the Creator and a demonstration of a person’s need for Allah.
Benefits of doing Dua
There are many advantages to making Dua of Allah Almighty some of them we have listed below:
Loss of arrogance – When we do Dua we submit that Allah is the only creator and He is the Mighty and all is under control of Him. We are nothing before Him, we must ask Him.
The fulfillment of Dua– For people who sometimes see that their Duas are not accepted, there is either the option that the Dua will be accepted later in this life or in the hereafter or the option that the Dua will be accepted by others want to say. So what about to learn the Value and Importance of Dua in Islam . The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever does Dua to Allah, Allah does his research or in exchange avoids misfortune until the Dua is not related to sin or breaks any relationship” ( Tirmidhi). So, if we do not see that our Dua is accepted immediately, we should not despair because either it will help us against a misfortune, or it could be accepted later.
Dua has the power to change fate – Prophet (SAW) said, “Dua diverts fate and good deeds lengthen the age.” (Tirmidhi)
Dua opened the doors of Mercy – The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “For whoever has opened the door of Dua, for him the gates of mercy are open.” (Tirmidhi)
Dua can change our life and our destiny. It is the most powerful weapon. But this only works for those who are sincerely and seriously trying to use it. As a Muslim, we should never give up, because we have the ultimate weapon to counter our fears, depression, oppression and adversity in the form of Dua.
We should make dua not only for ourselves but also for our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses and children, relatives and friends, teachers and other benefactors, and destitute and struggling Muslims everywhere. We should pray for them for the good in this world as well as in the Hereafter. The Prophet (sal-Allahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) said: “The dua of a Muslim for his brother (in Islam) in his absence is readily accepted. An angel is appointed to his side. Whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother the appointed angel says, ‘Aameen. And may you also be blessed with the same.’” [Sahih Muslim]