
The essential goal of this course is to help students recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. Our Quran Tutors will assist you to pronounce each word from its actual origin and apply All Tajweed rules proficiently. The course is molded to cover any of the 10 readings of the Quran with exercises to ensure that the student masters phonetics and articulation.

What Does Quran Recitation Really Mean?

Tilawah is the word that the Quran uses to describe the act of its reading. No single word in English can convey its full meaning. ‘To follow’ is the closest to its primary meaning. ‘To read’ is only secondary, for in reading too, words follow each other, one closely behind the other, in an orderly and meaningful sequence. If one word does not follow the other, or if the sequence and order is not observed, the meaning is destroyed.

So, primarily, tilawah means to move closely behind, to go forward, to flow in a sequence, to go in pursuit, to take as a guide, leader, master, a model, to accept the authority, to espouse the cause, to act upon, walk after, practice a way of life, to understand, to follow the train of thought – or to follow.

No matter whatever stage of life you are in when you have made your mind, get right into it, and Allah will make it easier for you. Every step towards the righteous way will be rewarded, and Allah will make it smooth. Every struggle you face will be rewarded with ease in the life hereafter. A person who struggles with recitation is rewarded twice as a fluent person, according to a Hadith.

After you finish the basic rules that you will study in the foundation course will start recitation course.

  • In this course will learn:
  • Pronunciation of Every Alphabet.